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Patron Behavior

Augusta-Richmond County Public Library



The Augusta-Richmond County Public Library seeks to provide materials and services to the public in an environment that is safe, pleasant, and conducive to comfortable library use.

Failure to abide by the Augusta-Richmond County Public Library System (ARCPLS) Behavior Policy and any reasonable request by staff or security may result in loss of library privileges. This policy authorizes employees to call upon local law enforcement personnel as necessary to ensure compliance with the Behavior Policy and to sign any complaint or other documentation required for enforcement and to notify the Library Director or designee.

The library will post a sign/notice that will be highly visible near the entrance notifying patrons that the library has a behavior policy and that the violators may be removed and barred from the library’s discretion. This policy will be available on the website and copies will be available at each branch location.

Every case will present a different set of circumstances and will be discussed fully with the Library Director before any action is taken. This list is not exhaustive and is used as a guide, along with common sense and previous history

An incident report shall be filed by the witnessing librarian and/or security personnel present at the time of the infraction of the Behavior Policy. Violators will be shown a copy of the Behavior Policy at the time a warning or ban is issued and will be advised of the next course of action to be taken by the library if the unacceptable behavior continues.

You are welcome to:

  • Ask questions of staff and receive needed information in the library
  • Borrow certain materials by using your library card through established lending procedures and take them home for use, treating them carefully so others may use them after you are finished
  • Bring your children to the library and enjoy materials and programs
  • Use the materials in all public areas of the library. The Augusta-Richmond County Public Library is committed to ensuring the safety of all its patrons, with a special emphasis on the safety of children in our libraries. For this reason, the materials, services, and equipment in the children’s areas are intended primarily for the use of children, their parents and/or caregivers. Others needing to access materials or services specific to the children’s area do so with the understanding that the library staff will determine whether or not a particular use or activity is appropriate in the children’s area. Thus, patrons may be asked to use alternative area of the library, at the discretion of the library manager or designee.
  • Read, study, type and write while using library materials
  • Register and use free library computers
  • Speak quietly with others in the library


The following activities and behaviors are prohibited:

  • Engaging in any physically intimidating or assaultive behavior; making any threats of violence or unlawful activities. The Library has a policy of zero tolerance for threats and acts of violence. Any person engaging in such behaviors will be immediately ejected from the Library.
  • Possessing, selling, distributing, consuming or being under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, illegal drugs or controlled substance
  • Trespassing by entering or remaining on Library premises after having been notified by an authorized individual not to do so, and entering or remaining on the Library premises during the period in which an individual has been banned from the premises
  • Refusing to follow the reasonable directions of Library staff and security on duty
  • Engaging in any behavior that a reasonable person would find to be disruptive, harassing, or threatening in nature to Library users or staff including: excessive or disruptive conversations, talking loudly, screaming, banging on computer keyboards, using electronic equipment at a volume that bothers others, rowdiness, running, noise, vandalism, obscene or vulgar language, stalking, prolonged staring, lurking, offensive touching, and obscene acts such as sex acts and indecent exposure, or following another with the intent to annoy or intentionally behaving in a manner that could reasonably be expected to annoy or disturb other patrons
  • Neglecting to provide proper supervision of children or leaving children under the age of 9 unattended on Library premises per the Library’s  Unattended Child and Child Safety Policy
  • Engaging in any sexual contact, activities or conduct
  • Selling, soliciting, surveying, distributing written materials, panhandling or canvassing for any political, charitable or religious purposes inside a library building, doorway or vestibule without prior authorization of the Library Director or designee
  • Smoking or other use of tobacco products
  • Eating while using Library computers or in spaces designated as free from food
  • Sleeping, napping or dozing in or on Library premises
  • Not wearing shoes or shirt within the library
  • Entering or remaining upon library premises with a bodily hygiene so offensive that it constitutes a nuisance to others
  • Moving furniture without the express consent of the library staff or use of furniture in any manner that may damage the furniture, to include placing feet on the furniture
  • Using library materials, furniture, equipment or facilities in any manner inconsistent with the customary use thereof or the theft or intentional damaging of library materials including: mutilation of library materials by marking, underlining, removal of pages, removing electronic detection devices or in any way defacing library property furniture, equipment or facilities
  • Bringing in more than two bags; no more than two bags of any type may be brought into the library.
  • Blocking of aisles with personal items or leaving such items unattended on library premises at any time; items may be removed from the library premises if they reasonably appear to be abandoned or have been left unattended for 30 minutes or more
  • Interfering with the safe and free passage of library staff or patrons on the premises, including but not limited to the placement of objects in hallways, aisles, flooring or elsewhere in a manner that impedes the free passage of such persons about the library
  • Bringing any animal into the library except service animals
  • Entering non-public areas of the library without permission
  • Improperly using library restrooms or facilities for purposes such as bathing, shaving or changing clothes
  • Taking library materials into rest rooms
  • Violating the Library’s rules for acceptable use of the internet and library public computers. A user accepts these rules before accessing the Internet through a library computer. Copies of these rules will be made available by staff upon request. See Internet Use Policy and Guidelines.
  • Engaging in any activity in violation of federal, state, local or other applicable law, or Library policy
  • Stealing, damaging, altering, or inappropriate use of Library property in Library facilities or on Library grounds, including computer hardware and software, printers, copiers, phones, and other equipment
  • Fighting or challenging to fight, running, pushing, shoving, or throwing things
  • No loitering on the library’s premises
  • Gambling and group activities which are disruptive to the Library environment
  • Using cell phones, pagers, and other communication devices in a manner that disturbs others Cell phone and pager audible ringers must be turned off.
  • Littering
  • Bringing in garbage, articles with a foul odor, or articles which, alone or in their aggregate, impede the use of the library by other users
  • Using wheeled devices in Library property or on Library grounds, except in designated areas, including skateboarding, roller-skating, bicycling, scooters, and shopping carts (exceptions i.e. wheelchairs, walkers, and strollers)
  • Concealing library materials for the exclusive use of an individual or group
  • Refusal to abide by library regulations regarding the return of materials and payment of fines.


The Augusta-Richmond County Public Library is committed to ensuring the safety of all its patrons, with a special emphasis on the safety of children in our libraries. For everyone’s safety and enjoyment of the library experience, adults should respect the boundaries of the children (ages 0-10) and young adult (ages: 11-17) areas of library branches and its purpose to centralize the information and recreation resources of these age groups. Children’s and young adult rooms are reserved for children, young adults, and their parents, guardians, teachers, caregivers, and people researching children’s literature.

Others needing to access materials or services specific to the children’s area do so with the understanding that the library staff will use their complete discretion whether or not a particular use or activity is appropriate in the children and young adult areas. Thus, patrons may be asked to use alternative areas of the library.


Banning Patrons


Minor Infraction:  staff should give verbal warning and ask patron to correct the issue. If patron does not comply, ask them to leave for the day. Staff person in charge with the assistance of the Marshal on duty will mediate with the patron. The Library Director or designee should be notified and an incident report should be completed.

Examples for banning a patron:

  • Not wearing shirt or shoes
  • Entering or remaining on library premises with a bodily hygiene so offensive that it constitutes a nuisance to others.
  • Talking too loudly, shouting, cursing
  • Smoking, including electronic cigarettes or any other tobacco products
  • Eating and drinking while using computers
  • Sleeping, napping or dozing in the library
  • Selling, soliciting, surveying, distributing written materials
  • Panhandling or canvassing for any political, charitable or religious purposes inside a library building, doorway or vestibule without prior authorization of the Library Director or designee
  • Gaming or group activities which are disruptive to the Library environment
  • Neglecting to provide proper supervision of children or leaving children under the age of 9 unattended on Library premises per the Library’s Unattended Child and Child Safety Policy
  • Stealing, damaging, altering or inappropriate use of Library property
  • No Loitering on the library’s premises
  • And others as may occur

Serious Infraction: 
Ban for three (3) six (6) twelve (12) months or a permanent ban. The Director will determine length of ban and will notify the patron in writing.  Director will review if prior warning(s) was/were given.


  • Engaging in any sexual contact, activities, or conduct
  • Viewing pornography
  • Hate Speech
  • Possessing, selling, distributing, consuming or being under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, illegal drugs or controlled substance
  • Damaging, destroying or vandalizing library property
  • Harassing, intimidating, assaultive or threating patrons/staff
  • Fighting or challenging to fight, running, pushing, shoving or throwing things.
  • Repeated minor infractions
  • No trespassing on the library’s premises
  • And others as may occur

Under Georgia law, a registered sex offender may not loiter, volunteer, or be employed within 1000 feet of an “area where minors congregate,” which includes libraries. Violation is a felony. The issue of loitering is likely more relevant since the law does not forbid offenders from using a library for lawful purposes. Loitering means being “in a place at a time or in a manner not usual for law-abiding individuals under circumstances that warrant a justifiable and reasonable alarm or immediate concern for the safety of persons or property in the vicinity.” Behavior that causes such alarm includes fleeing law enforcement, refusing to identify themselves, and actively concealing themselves or an object. The law does not specify a particular length of time, only that it happens at such a time and in such a way that is unusual.

For trespassers, reasonable notice is important.  Trespass occurs when a person knowingly and without authority enters onto property if that person received prior notice that their entrance was forbidden. The notice should be reasonable and specific enough for the person to clearly know they should not be there. If the library has provided notice that is reasonable and specific, the library should contact law enforcement regarding any such trespass. Ideally the notice would be given in writing and contain all relevant information (name, date, property banned, time period).

If the library wants or needs to ban someone for a reasonable period of time after a violation, there should be a reasonable attempt to give notice. The violator should be given notice at the time of the initial/first infraction of the violation that causes the expulsion/removal, and that the violator is banned for whatever period. The violator would be given written notice of the violation and the ban, and a copy of the policy. The library should keep a record of any such infraction and notice given in extreme cases, a patron may be banned from the property for longer than twelve months or permanently banned. These decisions will be made by the Director in consultation with the Augusta-Richmond County Public Library Board of Trustees (BoT).

Any illegal activity will be reported to the Sheriff’s Department for prosecution.

The violator should have the opportunity to appeal the suspension or ban. An appeal process allows the violator to notify the library of an appeal within 10 business days after the violation, and then set forth the process for hearing and considering the appeal after that. The violator appeal should be a written notification to the BoT. The process gives the violator an opportunity to be heard by the Library Director or the board before a decision on the appeal is made. The Board will consider the appeal at their next scheduled meeting or call a special call meeting.

Staff will change a banned patron’s status to Blocked and add a brief explanatory note in the comment field of their account.  The Banned Patron File, containing notification of banning letters, will be located at the Circulation and Marshal’s Desk.

A patron banned will not be allowed to use any of the Augusta-Richmond County Public Libraries.



Library Response to Violations of Behavior Policy


Any person who violates the behavior policy will be handled in a professional and courteous manner by staff, but the degree of the violation will determine the response.  Staff members are instructed to call 9-1-1 immediately in response to any behavior that is deemed threating and dangerous.  Staff members will call the police for any behavior that is in violation of federal, state, or local ordinances.  Staff members will call the police if a person or group of persons is asked to leave the library and they refuse to leave and/or become difficult with the staff member.  For most other inappropriate behavior, one warning will be given. Continued violations will result in patron being asked to leave the library for the day.  A serious violation or repeated violations, or a violation where the police are called, may result in longer exclusions from the library up to permanent banning from the library.

If the patron facing a ban is under the age of 18 (eighteen), then banning will not occur until the person’s parent(s) or guardian is notified in writing.


An individual who is banned from the library may be criminally charged with trespassing. It is the sole responsibility of the individual banned for any length of time to apply for reinstatement of library privileges as a written request; these are not automatically available at the end of the period of exclusion.  The violator notifies the Library Director that he/she plans to attend the regular monthly meeting of the Library Board of Trustees to request reinstatement of his/her library privileges.  This request may be made only after the banned period has been completed.

ARCPLS Board of Trustees will decide by a majority vote to lift the ban if the violator is able to persuade them that his/her future behavior will not violate the Library Patron Behavior Policy, nor be a threat to the ability of the library to operate in a safe manner, nor prevent staff and patrons from using the library services, furniture, facilities and materials for their intended use.  The ban will be in effect until this vote is taken.   ARCPLS Board of Trustees will instruct the Library Director to contact the person making such an appeal by letter and inform him/her of the decision of the Board.

Approved June 8, 2022 by the Augusta-Richmond County Library Board of Trustees